Spring Break Climbing Day
Join us for a day of climbing over spring break on Friday, March 28th. Drop off will be at 10am at TEENS, Inc. (151 East Street) and we will travel to a crag in Boulder Canyon. If the weather is bad, we will climb at a gym in Boulder or Louisville.
Pick up will be at 4pm at TEENS, Inc. All gear will be provided along with snacks. Please bring a packed lunch - we will be staying at the crag for lunch so picking up food in town will not be an option.
Please bring warm layers including a rain jacket and a water bottle. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable moving in and please wear closed toe shoes! (We will not be crossing Boulder Creek, so your feet will stay dry!)
Filling out this application does not guarantee you a spot on this program. Please wait to make plans until we contact you (beginning March 10th) with the official acceptance. If you need confirmation sooner, please let us know (see contact information below).
Reach out to Rebecca with any questions - rebecca@teensinc.org or 303-258-3821.