Unwanted Vehicle?
The donation process is quick, easy, and free to the donor! Donating a vehicle to TEENS, Inc. is a meaningful way to make a positive difference for youth and families in Colorado — while also freeing up a parking space.
We accept donations of most cars, trucks and motorcycles through our trusted partner Vehicles for Charity. This is a wonderful way to give a large tax-deductible gift.
Frequently Asked Questions
Vehicles For Charity has put together answers to their most common questions from people consider donating their vehicles. Please feel free to email us directly with questions concerning your possible gift.
What can I donate?
You can donate most any vehicle, including cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and recreational vehicles. They do not have to be currently running. Your vehicle donation will be sold at an auction or to salvage depending on condition.
Will I receive a tax deduction for my donation?
YES. The IRS allows you to claim a tax deduction of:
a) The value of your vehicle up to $500
b) The amount we sell your vehicle if sold for more than $500
Please consult a tax advisor to determine your tax benefit.
For more detailed information please visit the IRS website.
How does the program work?
You complete the online donation form or call the donation line to donate your vehicle. When the information is complete, it is forwarded to the tow company. They will call you directly to schedule the pick up. At the time of the pick up, the driver will give you a receipt for taking the vehicle. We ask that you give the driver the keys and your appropriately signed title.
As the vehicle owner, what do I need before I can donate?
Three things are needed.
A clear title, which means a title with your name listed in the owner’s section, without an assignment or transfer to another person. All liens must be released prior to donating the vehicle.
Your car keys.
When you call or fill out our online form, please have the title and current mileage in hand.
Do I pay for the towing?
No, there is no charge to you for the towing.
How long will I have to wait before my vehicle is picked up?
Typically, your vehicle will be picked up in 2-4 business days. The towing company will contact you in advance to schedule the pick up.
What do you do with the vehicles?
The vehicles are taken to an auction and sold to the highest bidder.
Where do the proceeds go?
100% of the net proceeds are distributed to non-profits; TEENS, Inc. receives 80% of the donation.
How do I get started donating my unwanted Vehicle?
Follow this LINK to complete and submit the form to get started.

Nederland-based nonprofit organization with the mission to support, educate and empower youth and their families to make healthy choices and thrive.
25 years of experience as an organization, community neighbor, employer, and service provider.

Our mission at TEENS, Inc. is to support, educate, and empower youth and their families. We want to help young people make healthy choices and thrive — while giving them skills to succeed in the workforce and as a person.
We help change the lives of youth by giving them the space and opportunities to do amazing things.
We don’t make the trail for them, but we give them the tools (literally, in the cases of TeamWorks & Youth Corps).
At Chinook West High School, Lookout Mountain Academy, and New Explorer’s Learning Center, we provide critical educational resources for a wide, Colorado mountain community. Through our programs we serve more than 350 children and teens each year ranging in age from 2.5 to 21 years old.